In the hot, Corpus Christi summer, there’s nothing better than a nice, cool house. What if your home is too cool though? Is that even possible? What can you do about it? Here’s a guide to keeping your home cool — without overdoing it.
Finding Your Ideal Temperature
When the weather is sweltering, the temptation is to overcompensate by turning your thermostat way down. This won’t cool your home any faster. In fact, it will just make your system run longer and use more energy. And after all that, you may find you’re too chilly instead of too warm.
What temperature will make your house most comfortable? The only way to find out is to test it. Start at a reasonable 78 degrees. If this is adequate to cool your home, try turning the thermostat up one degree. If it’s not, turn it down one degree. Keep repeating, degree by degree in either direction, until you find your ideal temperature.
You can also supplement your AC’s cooling by using a ceiling fan. Running a fan allows you to turn the thermostat up a few degrees without reducing comfort. The wind chill factor makes the air feel cooler against your skin.
Once you find your ideal temperature, there may still be areas of your house that are too cool, particularly if you have multiple stories. Different rooms have different comfort needs, and yet all of your heating and cooling is determined by one thermostat in one place. As a result, in order to get the top floor comfortable, the ground floor ends up cold.
A zoning system can resolve this issue. It separates your home into sections according to their individual cooling needs and places a thermostat in each one. Air from your HVAC system can then be redirected as needed to help each zone reach its ideal temperature. It also saves energy, providing only enough air in each zone to make it comfortable.
If your home is too cool this summer, contact us at CCAC for help. Our technicians are pretty cool, too, as we serve the Coastal Bend’s home comfort needs.