The easiest way to save money on cooling your home this summer is to check the air filter frequently and change it when it’s covered with dust. A dirty filter will increase the length of time the A/C has to run because the dust slows the air flowing through it. As easy as it is to do, it’s also just as easy to forget. These tips might help you remember this critical task to lower high cooling bills and keep your HVAC system clean.
Check it when you open your electric bill.
In the warm months, you can probably attribute half or more of your electric bill to air conditioning. Keeping the filter clean is the simplest thing you can do to keep cooling costs in line as much as possible.
Stockpile the filters and put them in an obvious place.
When the filters are out of sight, they’re easy to ignore, but if you put them in a place you walk by frequently, you’re more apt to remember to check it.
Write it on a calendar.
If you keep a calendar of your family’s daily activities, pick a date each month during the cooling and heating seasons and make a note to check the filter. Cross it off when you’ve checked the filter, and note whether you changed it. If your use an upgraded filter, have pets, or your home has carpeting, the filter will need more frequent changing.
Program your phone or computer.
If you use digital devices managing your schedule, program it to include air filter checks.
Upgrade the thermostat.
Some programmable thermostats have timers that keep track of the amount of time the HVAC system runs. When it’s time for a filter check, a light will turn on to alert you. A programmable thermostat will save energy and when it’s paired with a filter light, it will help you save even more.
Besides changing the air filter, it’s important to use the best one for your HVAC system. For expert advice on the best filter for your system, contact the experts at CCAC.
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