It’s a rare home that doesn’t benefit from a zoning system to control comfort levels and lower energy bills at the same time. When a home’s HVAC system has zone control, each space in it stays at a temperature that the occupants specify. Trying to manage comfortable temperatures throughout with a single thermostat is difficult, at best.
Zoning systems use a network of thermostats that are placed strategically inside the home. The thermostats connect to a central control panel that turns the HVAC system on when conditioned air is needed in any particular space. Automatic dampers in the ductwork open and close each zone.
Why Zone Homes
In this climate, two-story homes and those with disproportionate exposure to the west tend to be less comfortable in the summer, which is the longest and most demanding season for conditioned air. Heat rises and hot, sunny summer afternoons and evenings increase heat gain on those walls.
In an unzoned home, the only way to make those spaces cooler is to turn the thermostat down, which overly cools the rest of the home and raises energy bills.
A zoning system also performs well in a home that has raised ceiling plates in some areas, large expanses of windows in some rooms, or when people have rooms they seldom use. Closing off a register to save energy in those rooms harms the HVAC system and its ductwork.
Some people have different thermal requirements, needing or preferring different temperatures than the rest of the family.
Their Benefits
A zoned home:
- Uses less energy for heating and cooling, since the system doesn’t work as hard. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that a zoned home with programmable thermostats can lower energy usage by 30 percent.
- Has an HVAC system that lasts longer because there’s less wear and tear on the HVAC system.
- Assured comfort throughout the home, regardless of season, occupancy factors, and time of day.
A zoning system will even out your home’s comfort year-round and lower energy bills. To learn more, contact CCAC, Inc., providing trusted HVAC services for Coastal Bend homeowners.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Corpus Christi, Texas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 361-678-2495.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “plumeploume/Pixabay”