To control home heating and cooling costs, ignore energy-saving myths and stick to the hard facts. Here are some energy-saving myths we know don’t work, along with some better ideas that do.
Myth: Turning up the thermostat heats the house faster.
Reality: The furnace produces heat at the same rate no matter how far you crank up the thermostat. If your home is chilly at certain times, install a programmable thermostat to automate temperature control.
Myth: Closing vents in rooms saves energy.
Reality: Your furnace or A/C doesn’t know vents are closed. Both keep on producing the same amount of heating or cooling and consuming the same amount of energy, regardless. For optimum temperature control and efficiency, keep all vents in the home open and unobstructed.
Myth: Air filters should be changed only when dirty
Reality: Change the filter regularly — ideally, every month. By the time a filter actually looks dirty, it’s obstructing system airflow, increasing heating/cooling costs and reducing comfort.
Myth: Insulation inhibits heat transfer and stops air leakage.
Reality: Insulation is vital to reduce heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. However, insulation has little or no effect on air leakage. Use caulking and weatherstripping to seal structural cracks and gaps that leak air.
Myth: The bigger your furnace or A/C, the better.
Reality: Oversized units are notorious energy wasters and under-performers when it comes to consistent comfort. A new furnace or air conditioner should always be properly sized to by a qualified HVAC professional.
Myth: Fireplaces are an efficient heat source.
Reality: A fireplace loses enormous amounts of heat energy up the chimney. For an aesthetic winter atmosphere, light a fire. For efficient heating and household comfort, turn on your furnace.
In Corpus Christi, consult the pros at CCAC to sort out the energy-saving myths from the actual best practices of efficient heating and cooling.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Corpus Christi, Texas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about energy savings and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 361-678-2495.
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