Despite their name, heat pumps are used for more than just heating. A heat pump is an efficient system that will both heat and cool your home. If you live in a moderate climate like the Coastal Bend, this one installation can handle your home comfort year-round with minimal expense.
How It Works
While other heating and cooling systems work to generate their own hot or cold air, a heat pump maximizes energy efficiency by taking heating or cooling directly from the air. In cool weather, the heat pump takes heat available from the outdoor air and brings it into your home. In warm weather, it does the opposite, taking heat out of the air in your home and sending it outside.
With a few simple maintenance tasks, you can keep your heat pump operating at peak efficiency. Change the filter regularly and schedule an annual tune-up for the best performance and longest life span.
Energy Use
Compared to an electric heating system, an air-source heat pump will reduce your energy use 30 to 40 percent. A heat pump with an Energy Star rating may use up to 9 percent less energy than a standard heat pump model.
Heat pumps are a versatile installation that can even work in homes without ducts. A mini-split heat pump offers heating and cooling for ductless homes. Ductless systems also provide the added advantage of simple zoning. You won’t have to pay to heat or cool rooms you’re not using when you have ductless heat pumps in each area of the house. Simply turn off the ones you’re not using and watch your energy bills drop.
For more information about installing a heat pump in your South Texas home, or to make an appointment for regular maintenance on the heat pump you already have, contact CCAC. We offer home comfort solutions for all your needs, including heating, cooling, air quality, and dehumidification.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Corpus Christi, Texas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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