Everyone knows cigarettes are hazardous, not only to your health, but to the health of those around you. The smoke lingers in the air, lowering your indoor air quality. But what about vaping and electronic cigarettes? Are they better? Let’s look at how they affect your IAQ, and what you can do to improve it.
Scientific Research
Vaping uses a small device, called an electronic cigarette or e-cig, which is filled with liquid and heated up to create vapor that the user inhales. The liquid is mostly water, along with some flavorings. The main chemicals in most e-cigs are vegetable glycerin and propilene glycol, both of which have been deemed safe for human consumption by the FDA. However, they also contain nicotine, which is harmful to people with a history of heart disease, as well as being addictive.
But how much of that nicotine winds up in the air? Is vaping safe for your indoor air quality? There have been a few studies conducted on the effects of vaping and e-cigs in a confined space, but the results have been largely inconclusive, and it’s agreed that further study is needed.
One study found that the chemical levels in the air are below the threshold of regulatory standards for air quality. Another concluded that the chemical exposure to bystanders is minimal and poses no health risk. However, a third study found that, in large quantities, vaping does release a number of pollutants into the air.
Improving Your IAQ
Even if the results are inconclusive, it’s still important to ensure that the air in your home is clean and breatheable. So if you’re going to vape, do it outdoors. Furthermore, make sure you have good ventilation throughout your house, and proper air circulation, to get rid of any chemicals or pollutants, smoke-related or otherwise. And be sure to get a good quality HVAC filter and replace it regularly, so it can continue removing harmful contaminants from the air you breathe.
For more tips to improve your indoor air quality, contact us at CCAC. South Texas trusts us for all its HVAC needs.