Could you use a little extra space to do projects? Maybe your garage would be ideal, if only it were heated and air-conditioned.
In our climate, air conditioning is likely to be more crucial than heating to make a garage space comfortable, but it’s not always so warm here that you wouldn’t sometimes need heating to make a warm garage.
Let’s look at some of the options for turning your garage into a space where you can stand to linger longer than just the time it takes to park the car.
Options for Heating/Cooling the Garage
Space Heater
When space heaters come to mind, most people think of the electric models with metal strips. One of these might warm your garage adequately in our mild climate. There are also ceramic models, which might also be adequate. Some of these newer space heaters are more efficient than those of the past.
Window Units
You can find window units that also heat. The main problem with these is that they are noisy and don’t look so great hanging out your window. Also. you may have to cut out a space through which to install them. This can, however, be a fairly economical solution.
Ductless Mini Split
Mini splits are the deluxe answer to cooling or heating a smaller space. As the name implies, they don’t need ducts. They are compact, efficient. and quiet. They consist of an outdoor condenser and an indoor air handler. Air handlers can be mounted on the ceiling, wall, floor, or on a shelf. Mini splits can cool or heat. The only drawback is they can be pricey.
Sealing Up Your Garage
But before you go shopping, be sure to air seal your garage and add insulation. Many garages are constructed with a somewhat loose fit around the doors or are lacking drywall. You will want to use weather stripping, caulk, and maybe a weather seal around the edges of the garage to make sure conditioned air stays in and unconditioned air stays out.
For more on creating a cool and/or warm garage, contact CCAC of Corpus Christi.