Your indoor air quality can change all year long, depending on weather conditions and a host of other factors. With cooling season upon us, you may want to pay more attention to your summer IAQ as warmer, moister air can boost levels of airborne pollutants in your home.
Changes in Your Summer IAQ
Lots of things happen to summer indoor air quality that don’t happen at other times. For one thing, warmer air holds more moisture, so when it rains or when outdoor humidity levels are high, you may find your interior humidity high as well. When you feel warmer, the solution is often to turn the air conditioner down, resulting in higher utility bills.
Another pollutant that can affect your IAQ is pet hair. In summer, pets shed more hair, and are also likely generating more pet dander, which is a potent allergen for some people.
Pollen is another common allergen you’re likely to find more of in summer. Different species of plants give off pollen at varying times through the year, but in summer, as more plants bloom, you’re bound to find higher levels in your home.
Yet another indoor air pollutant that can increase in summer are dust mites. Dust mites prefer a warm, moist environment. As humidity rises and temperatures warm up in your home, you may have more of these creatures — which, though too tiny to see with the naked eye, are nevertheless the source of allergic reactions among many people.
Warmer, moister conditions may also encourage the growth of mold, mildew and fungus. When these substances colonize your home, they generate noxious odors, unsightly stains and damage to drywall, carpets, fabrics and wood. Reproducing by means of spores, they also trigger allergic reactions and asthma attacks.
Remedies for Bad Summer IAQ
Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to control poor summer IAQ, from changing your air filter frequently, to keeping your home well vacuumed with a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter.
For more on maintaining better summer IAQ, contact CCAC of Corpus Christi. We’re constantly concerned about customers.
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