Your whole-house air purifier is constantly working to remove even the smallest contaminants from the air, from dust to mold spores to cigarette smoke and more, so that you can breathe easy. But the work it does is invisible, and you often take it for granted. How do you know the system is really working as it should?
Checking the Filter
You may think that as long as the system is running, that your air is being purified, but that may not always be the case. If your filter is clogged, all your air purifier is doing is wasting energy. So check the filter every month or so and replace it as needed.
Your purifier may also have an indicator light, which can alert you automatically when the filter needs to be changed. These are great, but not always completely reliable. If the light turns on, replace the filter, but still check it manually every couple of months as well, just to be sure.
Using an Air Quality Monitor
Checking the filter can indicate whether your air purifier is working, but it can’t tell you how clean the air is that passes through and circulates back into your home. For that, you need an air quality monitor. As its name suggests, this device measures the quality of the air in your home to see what and how many contaminants are making it through.
Modern air quality monitors can connect to your phone or other mobile device, providing you updates in real time on how clean your home’s air is and whether or not your purifier is working properly. Some can even link directly to certain purifiers and automatically adjust them for better performance, or send you alerts on how to help the system work better.
For help with air purifier issues, contact us at CCAC today. We proudly serve all of the Coastal Bend’s HVAC needs.
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