Whether or not you end up paying Uncle Sam more in taxes this year, you certainly don’t want to be troubled by high heating and cooling bills too. Here are some simple HVAC cost-savings tips that will save you money and maybe even a little sanity:
1. Check for Leaks and Get Them Sealed
If your home is full of air leaks, then you’re definitely wasting energy, because your cooling system is running longer to compensate for the loss. Leaks are commonly found around the edges of doors and windows, but they may also be inside your air ducts and any place where you feel a draft.
2. Replace Your HVAC Equipment
Air conditioners are definitely built to last for several years, but once they begin showing their age, this will be reflected in higher energy bills. Replacing your aging system with a more energy-efficient model will help you curtail high energy costs throughout the year.
3. Add Insulation Where It’s Needed
Without proper insulation, your air conditioner will have a difficult time doing its job without increasing your energy costs. If you need help with adding insulation or at least knowing how much to put in, your HVAC technician can offer their assistance.
4. Turn Down the Water Heater
Many homes have their water heater turned up too high, especially when a new one has just been installed. It is recommended the temperature be set at 120° F, but the default factory setting is typically 140° F. Turning it down will save on your heating costs.
5. Upgrade to a Zoned Setup
If you’re using a traditional cooling setup, then you’re very likely wasting money, because your equipment is being forced to condition your entire home all at once. It may be time for you to upgrade to a zoned system, which allows you to split your home into different zones and then select the ones you want to cool off.
If you need more HVAC cost-savings tips or require service, the experts at CCAC can assist you. Our dedicated team has been serving the needs of the Coastal Bend and the surrounding communities since 1979.